2018년 6월 28일 목요일

Rob writing 1

Part 4: World History Video Summary (20-40 minutes)

This video shows the history of Earth. 200 years of change in 4 minutes. It is a unique presentation that will help build your students’ vocabulary and listening skills. The video is also a good example of telling a great story with hypothesis sentences.
Step 1. Watch the video one time.
Step 2. Make notes and answer these questions with a partner.
  • What is the variable for each axis on the graph?
  • How is each variable counted or measured?
  • Write one hypothesis sentence using the data from the video.
Writing Assignment
Write a 1-2 page report. The report should have 2 main parts: a summary and an analysis.
  • start with question and introduce the topic (inquiry method)
  • clearly describe the proposed hypothesis
  • define all key terms (an excellent tip for all writing assignments)
  • no need for opinion, speculation or guessing here
Do you think the hypothesis is accurate?
  • Identify and describe at least two causes that would explain why this connection is true. Provide some detail.
  • Speculate about at least two possible effects of this connection.

Optional Step: Vocabulary Preview

Depending on the needs of your class, it might be a good idea to preview some vocabulary before students watch the video. Here are some words and phrases critical to video comprehension.
  1. life expectancy
  2. wealth
  3. income per person
  4. Middle East
  5. population
  6. industrial revolution
  7. Great Depression
  8. to catch up
  9. colony
  10. inequalities
  11. provinces

crossword gap



1. Mutual dictation in pairs
2. Solving the crossword


* Good for the post-reading activity
* Variation: Students can make their own puzzle.

* step1: title
  step2: 50/50
  step3: 50 
